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Caleb Venturo

Turn to Jesus--with Two Hands!

Photo by Jenny Venturo

Row of people standing near the roots on an enormous fallen tree on the beach with the ocean in the background and the sun overhead, picture of turning to Jesus with two hands by renouncing sin and claiming Christ's sacrifice

A good analogy of what happens when you get saved is in the book With Two Hands by Rebecca Davis.

In Ethiopia, when people get saved, they will raise their hands in the air. One hand stands for renouncing sin and evil, and the other stands for receiving Jesus into your heart. You turn away from your old, sinful self and turn to Jesus to make you clean. You can tell this wonderful message to everyone you see!

teenage boy in blue sweatshirt raising hands and smiling on top of a hill with mountains behind

Davis, Rebecca. With Two Hands: Stories of God at Work in Ethiopia. Scotland, Great Britain: Christian Focus Publications, 2010. N00K.


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