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Joe Venturo

Practical Ideas for Sharing the Gospel

What can you do for Jesus? What can you do to obey His command to reach the lost? Now that you understand the Great Commission (see Are You Obeying the Great Commission), and you’ve prepared to share the Gospel by praying, studying the Bible, and practicing (see Prepare to Share), you are hopefully excited to get started. Although you must always look for opportunities to verbally articulate your faith to others in Gospel conversations, here are some additional ways that you can spread the Gospel while in your neighborhood, at work, on errands, or on vacation.

In Your Neighborhood—Get your family together and make some nice gift bags for all your neighbors. Put some treats or small gifts in each bag along with some Gospel material such as tracts or New Testaments. Then, pass out the bags to your neighbors by hanging them on doorknobs, placing them on porches, or handing them out in person. Holidays are a great time to do this.

At Work—Plow the soil for a Gospel conversation. Tell your coworkers you are praying for them when they are dealing with a difficult situation. Send a gift and a note containing a Gospel tract. Be sure to maintain a testimony of integrity and moral purity. When your coworkers see that you care about them and that you live what you profess to believe, they will be more receptive to the Gospel message when you take the opportunity to share it. If you are an independent contractor, business owner, or manager, give your employees and customers the Gospel. Send Gospel tracts in every package you ship. Put the Gospel on the back of your business card. Treat your employees and customers fairly and graciously so you can share your faith.

Out and About—Give your cashier a gift card and Gospel tract after checkout at the grocery, clothing, or shoe store. This works for other workers as well, like receptionists, repairmen, and instructors. Leave Gospel tracts in doctor’s offices.

On Vacation—Put together some gift bags that you can give to kids. Add some small toys, craft items, and fun Gospel materials. Leave Gospel tracts in hotel lobbies. Artistic, postcard-sized tracts that you make yourself can be great souvenirs for people you meet on your trip. Simply paint/draw your own pictures (especially ones of your destination), make copies, print the Gospel on the back, and laminate each card. For outdoor settings, paint rocks or seashells and write Gospel-containing Bible verses on them; then, hide each one for people to find. Even one short phrase from the Word of God can convict a heart (see Heb. 4:12). If you have kids, have fun making these things with them!

Hopefully, you are now starting to think of more ideas on your own. Get excited about sharing your faith as Christ commanded. Don’t be afraid of what people will think. Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel. Remember that God’s Word is powerful and will always accomplish exactly what He wills (Is. 55:10-11). (See Are you Scared to Witness?).


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