Artwork by Joshua Venturo
While we were fishing a lake in Colorado, we saw a large lake trout. We wanted to catch one, but we didn’t have the right gear to get deep enough. Maybe someday we will catch a lake trout!
The lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, is native to Canada, Alaska, and the northern parts of North America. The lake trout is the largest species of char, growing to 102 pounds (46 kg.) and 24-36 inches. There are three subspecies of lake trout: the common lake trout, the siscowet lake trout, and the rush lake trout. The rush lake trout is the rarest and lives in the deepest water.
Lake trout need cold water to survive. In summer, they have to swim to deeper water (66-197 ft!) to stay cool. That’s why they’re so hard to catch!
Just like a lake trout needs to stay cool to take care of itself, we need to do things to take care of our bodies. According to 1 Corinthians 3:16, Christians are God’s temple, so we need to take care of it!
Information from: Wikipedia