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Caleb Venturo

Learn about: Caribou (Rangifer tarandus)!

Artwork by Caleb Venturo

A caribou or reindeer moving quickly through the grass, information about habits of reindeer and caribou

The caribou is a large, deer-like mammal that lives in Alaska, Canada, and parts of Washington and Idaho. There are several different types of caribou, including the barren-ground caribou of the north and the woodland caribou of the south. The barren-ground caribou prefers tundra, while the woodland caribou lives in boreal forests. The caribou’s antlers are large, growing up to 53 inches long. A caribou’s diet consists mainly of lichen, but it also eats willows and birches. During spring migration, there may be herds of up to 500,000 animals! These caribou can run up to 50 mph. The main predator of the caribou is the wolf, but bears, wolverines, and golden eagles take young ones.

God is so great to give us things like the caribou!

Information from Wikipedia

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