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Joe Venturo

Are Your Shoes Worn Out?

Photo by Jenny Venturo

Pair of light gray and dark grey hiking boots/shoes resting on grass

Everybody knows that shoes wear out quickly. But nobody realizes this fact better than hikers.


Hiking shoes receive a lot of wear and tear. They must face onslaughts of slushy snow, driving rain, and caking mud. They must bend and buckle over large, sharp rocks. They must be flexible and strong, light and powerful, comfortable and compact.


For this reason, hiking shoes must be replaced—often. As a family passionate about hiking, we find that we are constantly having to go shopping for new shoes.


The trouble with shoe shopping is that hunting for hikers is exponentially more difficult than searching for sneakers. It’s no wonder there is a collective groan when the day rolls around to find new hiking shoes for someone in the family.


How about your spiritual shoes? Are they worn out? Is it time for a new, fresh pair?


The Bible tells us to put on the Gospel “as shoes for your feet” (Ephesians 6:15). The imagery is clear—wherever we go, we should be ready to share the Gospel with whomever we meet.


So, what I am really asking is, are you ready to share the Gospel? Is your vigor diminishing? Is your witness faltering? Is your zeal dwindling?


Maybe you’ve never put on the shoes of the Gospel in the first place. Maybe you need to start off with a brand-new pair. Maybe you’re a person who’s heard the Gospel, and you’ve always considered yourself a Christian, but you’ve never actually “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 13:14).


If that’s the case, it’s time to stop hunting for shoes that will wear out on the difficult road to heaven. It’s time to stop considering the myriads of false religions available today, none of which can withstand the demands of this hard life, or carry you to heaven, or satisfy the wrath of a holy God.  It’s time to lace up and entrust yourself to the only Person who can save you from God’s wrath against your sin—the Lord Jesus Christ (see John 14:6). Throw yourself on His mercy today, turning away from your sin, and commit your walk to a secure, supporting relationship with the Father.


Maybe, though, you are a true believer in Christ, but your shoes are growing battered. Slushy snow is freezing them up. Pouring rain is shrinking them into despair. Hard rocks are buffeting them with ridicule, slander, rejection, and doubt. If this is the case, it’s time to clean them back up. It’s time to refurbish your witness. It’s time to get serious.


When my family and I get back from a hike, we have to clean our hiking shoes and lay them out to dry. We use a brush to forcefully scrub away the dirt. We give them as much sun as possible.


It’s the same with your Gospel shoes. Brush away the dirt of sin that clouds your testimony and ruins your witness. Bask in the warm glow of the Son, embracing His love, forgiveness, and empowering grace. Read God’s Word and ask the Lord to fill you with a love for the lost that will never grow old or wear out.


Then, put on your hiking shoes—and never take them off.


See “Practical Ideas for Sharing the Gospel” to get started.


Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Used by permission.  All rights reserved.


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