Photo by Paul Venturo
Most of us are willing to do some pretty scary things when we really want something. The hiker braves freezing temperatures to view the landscape from the mountain summit. The speaker conquers his nerves to present a moving speech to inspire or persuade his audience. The parents plan intensely to make the upcoming vacation as pleasurable as possible. When it comes to making things happen for ourselves, most of us take an active role.
But when it comes to obeying the Great Commission, we are no longer go-getters. We prefer to sit back and let opportunities come to us. “Lord, I am willing and ready if You will just give me an opportunity to witness.” But are you truly willing if you are not doing it? If Christians witnessed like they hike a mountain, or give a speech, or prepare for vacation, what kind of revival would we see?
Could it be that as Christians wait for the perfect opportunity, an unbeliever is living his last few months, weeks, days, or hours on earth? Could it be that Christians who are “willing when the opportunity comes” are simply too afraid to share their faith? And does the one who is too afraid really know and love God as he professes? (see John 14:15).
Every time God has nudged me to give someone a Gospel tract, or to open my mouth with the Gospel, and I have refrained for fear of it being the wrong time, I have regretted it. “Lord, forgive me! How can I say I love You and yet not obey Your commands? How can I say I know You and not care enough about that person’s soul to give them the Gospel? Purge me of this selfish attitude!” Jesus’ command to His followers is “Go!” Not “Wait until someone asks you why you are so joyful.” Not “Live a godly life and somehow people will know the Gospel through your testimony.” Not “Only witness to people when you can have a relationship with them.” I realize how temptingly easy those approaches are. But God is helping me to see that His call is an active obedience—a real obedience that doesn’t just sound great in words but reveals itself in visible, tangible actions. Jesus says, “Go!”
I hope you are on your knees right now. I know I am praying hard, along with you who are also convicted by the urge to be a better witness for the Savior. “Lord, forgive me for taking a passive approach to Your call. Help me to become an active witness.” What you fervently seek from the Lord you will certainly find (Matt. 7:7).
Be a go-getter when it comes to sharing the Gospel. Give a Gospel tract to the next stranger you encounter. Study verses that will prepare you to have Gospel conversations (see Prepare to Share for some help). Pray and pray and pray, and the ideas will come! “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22).
Further Reading:
Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.