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Joe Venturo

A Word of Encouragement: Take Courage!

Artwork by Daniel Venturo

Man with an orange t-shirt and blue jeans and white sneakers pounding his fists in front of a Bible with the sun shining overhead and a crowd of people/friends pointing/laughing/mocking, encouraging devotional about standing firm for Christ and sharing the Gospel even in persecution

Psalm 99

The LORD reigns; let the peoples tremble! (v. 1a).

“Tremble” in this phrase has a twofold meaning: people should tremble before God and people should tremble to oppress God’s people. Throughout Israel’s history, hundreds of stories attest to the reality that those who fear and obey God no matter what will be mocked, harassed, or even killed for their faith. Just read about David in Psalm 35:11-16, or Jeremiah in Jeremiah 19:14-20:2. David wept for people when they were hurt, but they returned his compassion with joy at his suffering. Jeremiah suffered immeasurably for continuing to preach a message that God wanted him to preach but that no one wanted to hear.

Are you persecuted for sharing your faith? For living differently? Remember that, in the end, the righteous will be vindicated and the wicked punished (Matt. 25:31-46). Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). Every mocking knee will bow (Phil. 2:10-11). On His authority, keep reaching out to the lost

(Matt. 28:18-20). Any rejection, opposition, ridicule, persecution, or criticism you face now in this world is but a breath compared to the welcome you shall receive into the presence of your Commander for all eternity.

Lord, help me not to fear the world. Help me to keep faithfully living for You and sharing the Good News. Help me to take comfort in the fact that You will punish the oppressors of Your people in Your time, that I may not grow bitter or discouraged.

man kneeling in front of bible praying hard, orange t-shirt and blue jeans, group of people behind him pointing and laughing, sunbeams above praying man


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