Artwork by Daniel Venturo
Hebrews 12:1-3
“Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith” (v. 2a).
Have you ever watched an airplane propeller rotate? It spins faster and faster until any colors or stripes on the blades jumble together into one whirling blur. But if you keep your eye on the center, that little round circle in the middle always looks like just that—a little round circle. Sometimes, my life feels like that propeller. I am taking college courses and trying to find work to make money to pay for what God has for me in the future. I am assisting in our family’s ministry. I tend to get so lost in the swirling blur of everything I have going on that I lose sight of what is most important. In your Christian life, have you ever found yourself losing sight of Jesus as you scramble to get everything finished? Sometimes, the day-in and day-out of life—the job, the bills, the routine—is the most taxing on your spiritual tenacity.
In his letter to the Hebrews, Paul begins chapter 12 by exhorting believers to fix their eyes on Jesus. The Jewish Christians to whom Paul was writing were being persecuted for their faith, and they were tempted to return to their old way of life. They must have had trouble keeping their eyes on Christ—like many of us when we face difficulties. But Jesus has given you a relationship with God by paying for your sin on the Cross.
So, when life whirls around you, turn your focus onto the little unchanging circle in the center of the propeller—the Gospel of Christ, through which you have a relationship with God. Fix your gaze on the Cross. When the world falls to pieces around you, Jesus’ love for you will stand. Think about it—He paid the price for your sin and secured eternal redemption for your soul—yes, yours. Let the Gospel consume you.
Lord, I confess that in my busy-ness I have often lost sight of You. Remind me of the simplicity of the Gospel.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Used by permission. All rights reserved.