Photo by Paul Venturo
Yes, Icelandic State Park looks pretty "northern" if you get the right angle.
Icelandic State Park, way up in the northeastern corner of North Dakota, wasn’t what we thought. We naturally expected it would, well, look like Iceland. But it didn’t. Unless you count all the “snow” falling in front of the spruce trees. And in July, too! Actually, our “snow” was the white fluff that fell from the cottonwood tree right on our site. And what a sight it was! You could have called it a regular blizzard, and by the end of the week our stuff was coated in the stuff. When it was time to travel, we had to clear it all out with brooms and rags where it had collected in clumps on our trailer and gazebo. Dad went up on the roof to sweep the layer of “snow” off the slides so we could bring them in. And when we got in the car to leave, it clung to our clothes, skin, and throats. We couldn’t completely get rid of it.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll be inadvertently planting cottonwoods all over the United States!