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Caleb Venturo
Turn to Jesus--with Two Hands!
Photo by Jenny Venturo A good analogy of what happens when you get saved is in the book With Two Hands by Rebecca Davis. In Ethiopia,...
Joe Venturo
What Does It Mean to be Saved?
Artwork by Daniel Venturo There are many terms that Christians use that can be confusing for people who did not grow up in Church, or who...
Joe Venturo
What Is Faith? What Does It Mean to Believe in Jesus?
Artwork by Daniel Venturo The Definition God defines faith for us in Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the...
Joe Venturo
What Is Repentance?
Artwork by Daniel Venturo An Illustration Jesus illustrated what it means to repent by telling a story found in Luke 18:10-13: Two men...
Joe Venturo
God's Ten Commandments
Artwork by Daniel Venturo Did you know that God has a Law? Like the Law of the United States, it is a standard of judgment. Those who...
Joe Venturo
Come to Your Senses! Come to Christ!
“The Ten Commandments! It narrowly missed my head!” The ecstatic child had been running about beneath the bleachers, playing with his...
Daniel Venturo
The Good News: Straight from the Source
If you want to get the story straight, you need to talk to the source. God, in His great love for us, has provided a way for us to be...
Paul Venturo
Number My Days
Compared to eternity, life is but a drop in the bucket! Therefore, the psalmist says, So teach us to number our days that we may get a...
Paul Venturo
How Are People Like Fish?
Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven to a fisherman trawling for fish with a giant net. Matthew 13:47-50 says: Again, the kingdom of...
Paul Venturo
Not the Answer He Was Looking For
And a ruler asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" And Jesus said to him, ''Why do you call me good? No one...
Paul Venturo
What Are You Looking For?
People are looking for many different things: love, riches, fame, power, etc. Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is the most valuable thing...
Paul Venturo
Which Guy Would You Choose?
This is the most important question anyone can ask - it's truly a matter of eternal life and eternal death. Jesus answered this question...
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